A project about how curiosity can help beat the big imposter syndrome.

Don't let the imposter syndrome bankrupt you from doing.

Beating big imposter syndrome.

Some questions some answers.

What is imposter syndrome?

Researchers define imposter syndrome as a feeling of fraud. This arises from a lack of confidence because individuals with imposter syndrome never feel good enough about their skills. The work feels cheated, and the feeling of getting caught never fades away. This feeling can be rooted in many factors, but most importantly, it stems from having self-esteem or self-doubt.

Are there benefits to imposter syndrome?

There are benefits to imposter syndrome. A healthy imposter syndrome can be good because it creates an environment for growth. When imposter syndrome disappears completely, it might mean you stopped learning. But some are severely paralyzed by it.

What is this project about?

Big imposter is a project about how books can help beat the imposter syndrome. It can make each one of us more resilient and build our self-esteem.
